Regulations - Nuru Massage Laval


📜 Rules

Welcome to Nuru Playground,

Our Nuru playground is a high-end professional body-to-body massage salon. Let’s play well! Here are some rules to follow:

  • Always obey our Nuru hostesses, they are here to make your stay exceptional.
  • It is important to note that sex or requests of an explicit nature are not allowed. Our priority is to offer you an unforgettable Nuru massage.
  • Intimate contact with our hostesses is strictly forbidden. Respect their personal space.
  • If these rules are not respected, the hostess may be forced to end the session.

We are delighted that you have chosen Nuru Laval for your massage experience. Your satisfaction is our top priority, so please feel free to give us your feedback.

The Nuru Playground team.

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. If you enjoyed our services, tell your friends about us. If you have any concerns, contact management at or call us at (450) 934-9557. Your feedback helps us continuously improve to better serve you.